Autodesk inventor 2015 viewer
Autodesk inventor 2015 viewer

  1. #Autodesk inventor 2015 viewer generator#
  2. #Autodesk inventor 2015 viewer update#

My personal favourite is the new Application Option to change the texture path directory for material appearances. Other than those big categories, there are a whole host of new features and improvements in the UI and settings.

  • Parent Sheet and Name Properties for drawing views ( this kind of idea).
  • #Autodesk inventor 2015 viewer update#

  • Auto Sort Parts List on Update option (very cool).
  • Improvements to foreshortened dimensions (does anyone care?).
  • Fast open option to skip file references.
  • Fast Drawing Views using Express-Mode data!.
  • Component opacity improvements for Tube & Pipe.
  • Express mode improvements – More commands available.
  • 2-Click workplane creation now works for non-parallel faces.
  • autodesk inventor 2015 viewer

    #Autodesk inventor 2015 viewer generator#

    Member Reuse in Frame Generator (resolves this: Ideastation Link).Shell and Taper Extrusion are more tolerant of extreme geometries.

    autodesk inventor 2015 viewer

    Name Workplanes in browser (names show in graphics window).Unfold/Refold Zero-radius bends (Sheetmetal).Punch across bend (Sheetmetal) (resolves this: Ideastation Link).Cut Normal (Sheetmetal) WOOHOO!!!! (resolves this: Inventor Forum Link).Window Selection for punch placement (Sheetmetal).Standard Tap Depth for holes (from thread.xls).“Look At” enhancements to prevent over rotation of view (Inventor Ideastation Link: 57 Kudos for this one!).Geometry end-point creation improvement.RMB “Delete Constraints” and “Delete Coincident Constraints” commands.Sketch tab always available in all environments.

    autodesk inventor 2015 viewer

  • Game-changer or other major new feature.
  • I’ve also put links where I have found Ideastation requests which should now be answered by new features. I’ve used colours to categorize these changes according to the 3 types I mentioned above. I’ll start with a bit of a summary of the changes, and then I’ll flesh a couple of them out a bit more.

    Autodesk inventor 2015 viewer